Instructions for downloading the Menu 

When you click on the download button it should open the Menu file in a new window where you can view it on screen and download it. However, the download button is not always obvious in some browsers. Here are some instructions on how to download for the most popular browsers. If you still can’t open or save the pdf please email us email and we will email across a copy.

On a computer:


Google Chrome

To save go to the top right of the browser window and click on the downward arrow symbol. Choose a name and a location and click on “Save”.


To save using Safari click on the Safari option bar at the top-left of your screen and go to “File” and “Export as PDF”. Choose a name and a location and click on “Save”.


To save in Firefox go to the top right of the browser window and click on the folder with downward arrow symbol. Choose a name and a location and click on “Save”.

Microsoft Edge

To download the PDF, click the save icon located near the top-right corner of the browser window.


On a Phone



To save on an iphone use the “Share” arrow up button at the bottom of your screen. Tap the Share button and export to your smartphone. You can save to books or another desired app or folder.

Android Phone

Tap “File” on your Android, then select “Print”. Select the dropdown menu and tap “Save” as “PDF”. Select your preferred location for your PDF and press “Save”.



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